Group Therapy & Group Therapy Sessions
Group Therapy can often be extremely helpful in Counselling & Psychotherapy. It enables people who are experiencing the same problems, which could be anxiety, depression, bereavement or anger issues, to share those problems and to understand that they are not alone. Group members can help each other by highlighting strengths and weaknesses, perhaps ‘blind spots’ often out of an individual’s awareness. It is also an ideal environment to practice new behaviours without fear of failure or ridicule, promoting a sense of cohesiveness, belonging and acceptance. Sharing your experiences can often result in the relief of pain, stress and anger with a greater sense of individual responsibility and choice.
The Giles Practice offers you the opportunity to sign up and take part in periodic Group Therapy sessions via Skype or Zoom in the company of a small group of like-minded individuals (usually 6-8 people) led by myself. Please use the Email Me button to reserve your place, providing your Skype or Zoom address in addition to your email address together with contact telephone number.
New Borderline Personality Group
We hope to restart our support group for sufferers of Borderline Personality Disorder (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder) virtually via Zoom or Skype in the Spring of 2024. It will be a low-cost group session costing from £35 per person for each 90-minute session, which we hope to run every 2 weeks. It will be open to all existing clients and any new clients who feel they might benefit from group support. Please for more details, email us for further details.